Welcome to UConn!
Below is helpful information for incoming Huskies.
Tuition & Fees, Payments, and Due Dates
Tuition & Fees
Undergraduate Students
2024-2025 Tuition & Fees Estimator Tool (Undergraduates)
Graduate Students
2024-2025 Tuition and Fees Estimator Tool (Graduates)
UConn Health
School of Dental Medicine Students
Fee Bill Due Dates
Undergraduate bills, including non-degree undergraduate students, are due August 1st (Fall semester) and January 8th (Spring Semester).
Graduate bills, including non-degree graduate students, are due the Friday before the start of each semester.
School of Medicine and School of Dental Medicine bills are due August 1st (Fall semester) and January 8th (Spring semester).
Charges added after the standard fee bill due date and/or other miscellaneous fees are due 10 days after being posted to the fee bill.
Office of the Bursar Checklist
1. Determine how you will be paying for your fee bill
It is important to plan how you are going to pay your fee bill. Even if you are receiving grants, scholarships, and/or taking out loans, you may still have a balance you need to pay out-of-pocket.
Below are some helpful links for determining what you will owe and available payment options.
Tuition & Fees Estimator Tool (Undergrads)
2. Setup FERPA Designees
UConn is required to comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a federal privacy law aimed at safeguarding student education records.
The Office of the Bursar cannot share specific student fee bill information with anyone other than the student, unless they are listed as a FERPA Designee.
Please visit the Share My Information page and navigate to the “TALK” icon for more information on how to create and manage designees.
3. Setup Authorized Users
If anyone other than the student will be making payments towards a student’s fee bill, enrolling in a payment plan, or need to view a student’s balance, they must become an Authorized User. Follow these steps to become an Authorized User.
4. Waive Student Health Insurance Plan (if already covered by insurance)
All full-time students are required to be covered by health insurance.
Every Fall semester, full-time students will be automatically billed and enrolled into the Student Health Insurance Plan. If the student is already covered by insurance, they can waive the health insurance in their Student Admin account.
The waiver must be submitted every year by September 15th, though it is recommended to submit the waiver prior to the fee bill due date when possible.
For more information regarding the Student Health Insurance Plan, please visit the Student Health and Wellness website.
5. Complete Title IV Waiver
Federal regulations stipulate that Title IV financial aid funds (such as Pell Grants and Federal Loans) cannot apply to miscellaneous fees without the student’s consent. Such miscellaneous fees include, but are not limited to, the University Student Health Insurance charge and the Husky Book Bundle fee.
To ensure your federal funds will apply to all charges on the fee bill, the student must complete the Title IV Waiver.
Please note, even with the Title IV Waiver, federal funds cannot be used to pay for finance charges such as late fees.
Borrowers of Parent Plus Loans must complete the Title IV waiver when applying for the loan, and cannot do so via the link above.
6. Determine participation in Husky Book Bundle Program (full-time undergraduates only)
Through a partnership with the UConn Bookstore, Husky Book Bundle allows students to receive required course materials for all classes for a flat fee, regardless of how much each individual textbook or digital access would cost to rent or purchase separately. The rental fee is $285 per semester. All full-time undergraduate students will automatically be enrolled and charged the rental fee.
Students may opt-out of the program. The opt-out portal opens 30 days prior to the start of the semester and closes on the 10th day of classes. Students are encouraged to delay opting-out until they receive all course syllabi and required materials to then determine if the program is financially beneficial. The charge has an extended due date (11th day of the classes) to accommodate additional time to determine to opt-out or remain in the program.
More information can be found on the Husky Book Bundle website.
7. Enroll in Direct Deposit for Student Refunds
Any excess funds on a student’s fee bill will be issued as a refund to the student, unless the funds are from a Parent Plus Loan, in which case the refund will be issued to the parent as a paper check and mailed to the address on the loan application.
We highly encourage students enroll in direct deposit to ensure the quickest processing of their refunds.
Please note, overpayments from a credit card payment will be returned to the card. Overpayments from an international payment will be returned to the originating bank account.
8. Submit Private Scholarship Letters
If you are expecting to receive an outside private scholarship, you can submit a Private Scholarship Deferment request.
This will allow the Office of the Bursar to defer the anticipated scholarship on the fee bill, which will reduce the amount due.
It is the student’s responsibility to follow-up with the scholarship organization and ensure payment is ultimately processed.
Private Scholarships reported via the deferment form will be reported to the Office of Student Financial Aid Services (OSFAS). Per federal regulations, your total financial aid, including federal, state, university, and other sources may not exceed your total Cost of Attendance (COA). In cases where your total financial aid exceeds your demonstrated need and or COA, OSFAS may have to adjust or reduce your aid in this order: first loans, then work-study, then grants and scholarships.
Department Checklists
Financial Aid
Undergraduate Admissions
Graduate Students
Additional Resources
One Stop - answers to registration, financial aid, and undergraduate admission questions: onestop@uconn.edu or 860-486-1111.
Office of Student Financial Aid Services – financial aid, loans, the FAFSA, and more.
Office of the Registrar – registration for classes, transcripts, diplomas, and more.
Office of Orientation Services - provides orientation for new first year and transfer students.
Dean of Students Office – assistance navigating challenges undergraduate students experience during college; change in residency for undergrads.
The Graduate School – central resource for graduate applicants and current students, as well as post-doctorates; change in residency for grad students.
Student Health and Wellness – health services, health insurance and billing, and more.
Residential Life – living on campus.
Dining Services – dining on campus.
Parking Services – parking permits, campus parking maps, parking citations, and more.
One Card Office - issues the official UConn ID and manages Husky Bucks program.