Unless otherwise stated, the below fees are mandatory and cannot be waived. Please review your applicable tuition rate schedule to determine which fees you will be billed.
Charges added after the standard fee bill due date and/or other miscellaneous fees are due 10 days after being posted to the fee bill.
Continuous Registration Fee
Master’s, doctoral, Sixth-Year in Education, graduate certificate, and post baccalaureate students must begin their programs with coursework and must maintain registration continuously each semester thereafter (except summer sessions) until all requirements for the degree have been completed. Registration may be maintained either by taking coursework for credit or by registering for one of the non-credit Continuing Registration courses. These include Special Readings at the certificate (GRAD 5997), master’s (GRAD 5998) or doctoral (GRAD 6998) level, Master’s Thesis Preparation (GRAD 5999), and Doctoral Dissertation Preparation (GRAD 6999). Other zero-credit courses may be substituted, if appropriate. Non-credit registration requires payment of University fees.
General University Fee
Fee supports student related programs and institutional services of those programs. These programs are, by definition, ancillary to the educational mission of the University and must generate a portion of their operating revenue through fees for services or sales charges. GUF provides support for such programs as Athletics, Recreational Services, One Card Office, Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts, Student Activities and Student Union, and the Off Campus Student Services Office.
Graduate Matriculation Fee
Each degree-seeking student under the jurisdiction of the Graduate School pays a Graduate Matriculation Fee. This fee is payable regardless of the credit load or the campus of registration, and applies to students registering for Continuing Registration or other zero-credit courses as well. Graduate students who enter graduate school with more than six credits of advanced course work and apply it to their degree requirements are responsible for payment of the Graduate Matriculation Fee for those semester(s) in which the excess non-degree work was taken, unless the fee is waived by the Dean of the Graduate School.
Husky Book Bundle Fee
Through a partnership with the UConn Bookstore, full-time undergraduate students will be able to rent all required course materials for a flat fee of $285. This is an opt-out program, and the charge will be automatically included on students’ semester tuition fee bill. The waiver to opt-out will open 30 days prior to the start of the semester and remain open through the 10th day of classes. Students are encouraged to delay opting-out until they receive all course syllabi and required materials to then determine if the program is financially beneficial. For more information, please visit: https://bookbundle.program.uconn.edu/.
Infrastructure Maintenance Fee (IMF)
Fee supports debt service associated with South Campus residence halls and partially supports Operating and Maintenance costs related to UConn 2000 construction projects as well as preventive and deferred maintenance.
Online Course Fee
$25 charge per credit on all graduate and non-degree students that have an instruction mode "online".
Reinstatement Fee
Graduate School regulations require registration in each semester by all graduate degree program students. (See "Continuing Registration.") Students at the Storrs campus, at the Avery Point regional campus, or at the Health Center in Farmington who fail to complete initial course registration by the end of the tenth day of classes of any semester will be dropped from active status and will be required to pay a $65 reinstatement fee.
Student Activity Fee
For Storrs undergraduate students, fee supports student programs including The Daily Campus ($10), Undergraduate Student Government ($45), Nutmeg Publishing Yearbook ($4), WHUS Radio ($9), UConn Student Television ($5), and Student Union Board of Governors ($23)
For Regional undergraduate students, fee supports student programs provided by the regional campus’ Associated Student Government.
For Graduate students, the fee supports the Graduate Student Senate programs for graduate student welfare and recreation.
Student Health & Wellness Fee
This fee entitles a student to be seen at Student Health and Wellness on campus and supports a variety of medical, mental health and wellness programs and support services. The fee is not health insurance. Students are charged the Student Health and Wellness fee based upon the academic program in which they are enrolled.
Student Rec Center Fee
This fee supports the Student Recreation Center including the operations and construction of the state of the art facility, opening Fall 2019. This is a mandatory fee required of all Storrs matriculated students. For more information regarding the services and programs provided by the Student Rec Center, please visit their website.
Technology Fee
Fee supports IT services that directly benefit students, including hi-tech classrooms, software licensing and delivery, computers in common-use areas, and wireless. The fee does not cover surcharges for online courses.
Transit Fee
For Storrs Students, fee supports the campus shuttle bus service, the Husky Safe Rides late night service and the Accessible Van Service (AVS). Fee includes the cost of operations, vehicle purchase and maintenance, and administrative support. Fee also pays the cost of the UConn WRTD bus pass program.
For Regional students (Hartford, Stamford, Waterbury), fee allows students access to the Connecticut Department of Transportation’s U-Pass program. U-Pass CT is valid for unlimited rides within Connecticut on all local & express buses, CTfastrak, Shore Line East (rail), and intrastate New Haven (rail) services.
Visa Compliance Fee
Non-Refundable $350/semester. This fee is assessed to international students on F-1 and J-1 visas to fund services related to University visa sponsorship. For additional questions please visit the UConn Visa Compliance Fee Information.