The 1098-T Tax Form is a tuition statement that colleges and universities are required to issue to most students who paid for “qualified educational expenses” in the preceding calendar year. Qualified educational expenses include tuition and mandatory enrollment fees as well as equipment fees that are required for courses.
When determining whether a student is eligible for a 1098-T, UConn looks at whether your grants, scholarships, or other third-party payments exceed the payments made towards Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses (QTRE). Per IRS regulations, QTRE consists of tuition and most mandatory fees. QTRE does not include room and board.
UConn is NOT required to prepare a 1098-T Form for every student even if they paid for qualified educational expenses. If the student was NOT ISSUED a 1098-T Form, the student may download, print and view their UConn fee bills with a tax professional. UConn is unable to give tax advice. Instructions: Download & Print Fee Bills
For additional information regarding the 1098-T Form, please see below, visit 1098-T Form (Separated & Helpful Information) and 1098-T Frequently Asked Questions.
For questions, please contact
When are 1098-T Forms issued?
If you qualify for a 1098-T Tax Form, the form will be available at the end of January. An email notification will be sent to the students who qualify for a 1098-T Form. Please login to your email account to receive the email notification from the Office of the Bursar.
How will I receive my 1098-T Form?
Electronically: By agreeing to the terms of the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement, you have agreed to receive Form 1098-T electronically. To view and download a copy of your Form 1098-T, please log into the Student Administration System and go to the "Bursar Services" tile > View 1098-T. If you have not agreed to the terms of the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement, you may still register to access your Form 1098-T electronically by logging into the Student Administration System. Go to "Bursar Services" tile > View 1098-T. Help within Student Admin System. Due to the time and effort involved in mailing paper forms, students who receive Form 1098-T electronically will be generally able to access their forms sooner than those students who receive their forms by mail.
Student Instructions: Viewing & Downloading the 1098-T Form
Delegate Instructions: Viewing & Downloading the 1098-T Form
Mail: If you HAVE NOT signed the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement, or otherwise opted to receive the form electronically, your Form 1098-T will be mailed to your mailing/billing address listed on your Student Administration account.
UConn DOES NOT email or fax 109-T forms. No exceptions.
Helpful 1098-T Form Information: 1098-T Form (Separated & Helpful Information)
Why can I not see my 1098-T Form?
Eligible educational institutions are required by the IRS to prepare Form 1098-T for most students who paid for “qualified educational expenses” in the preceding year. Consistent with IRS Regulations, UConn is not required to provide Form 1098-T to a student in the following instances:
- Students whose qualified tuition and related expenses posting in the reporting year were entirely waived or paid entirely with scholarships posting in the reporting year (noting that payments for the Spring semester frequently post in the previous reporting year, and are thus reflected in the prior year’s Form 1098-T)
- Students who do not maintain a separate financial account and whose qualified tuition and related expenses are covered by a formal billing arrangement between UConn and the student’s employer or a government entity, such as the Department of Veteran Affairs
- Courses for which no academic credit is offered or earned, even if the student is otherwise enrolled in a degree program
- Students who are nonresident aliens; i.e., not tax residents of the United States. (Note: The University’s general practice has been to provide nonresident aliens with a Form 1098-T, when applicable, even though it’s not legally required to do so.)
If you fall under one of these exceptions, you will not receive a Form 1098-T from the University.
I separated from UConn. How do I gain access to my 1098-T Form?
Once the student separates from the university, the student will have Student Administration access for 2 years. If the student is unable to login, they may need to reactivate their NETID . If they are unable to activate, the student will need to contact and or 860-486-4357 for assistance.
Please note, the university is NOT required to prepare a 1098-T Form for every student even if they paid for qualified educational expenses. If the student was NOT ISSUED a 1098-T Form, the student may download, print and view their UConn fee bills with a tax professional. UConn is unable to give tax advice.
Instructions: Download & Print Fee Bills
Helpful 1098-T Form Information: 1098-T Form (Separated & Helpful Information) - Student Academics and Services - Confluence
Understanding your Form 1098-T
If the University prepares and sends a Form 1098-T to you, then the amount in Box 1 of the form will show the amount that the student paid towards qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) in the preceding year. Qualified educational expenses include tuition and enrollment fees as well as equipment fees that are required for your courses but it does NOT include room & board, health insurance, health services fees, parking permits or fines.
Please note that per IRS regulations, the Student Health & Wellness Fee and Transit Fee cannot be reported on Form 1098-T even though those are mandatory fees at UConn.
Please be advised that amounts paid do not represent amounts billed by the University during the calendar year. The amount in Box 1 represents amounts paid and posted to your Student Administration account in the appropriate calendar year.
If you received a tuition waiver, then the amount of the QTRE expenses in Box 1 will be the “net” amount you paid after the waiver. If your waiver reduced your qualified educational expenses for that year to zero, then you will not receive a Form 1098-T in that year.
Box 5 of Form 1098-T shows the amount of scholarships or grants (other than tuition waivers) you received during the year.
Please note that when claiming educational credits and deductions on your income tax return, you will need to report amounts paid and your fee bills will be the best and most helpful resources for purposes of determining your allowable education tax credits or deductions. The UConn Knowledge Base provides instructions on viewing your Online Term Fee Bill.
Other Important Information and Resources
Taxable scholarships/fellowships
Please keep in mind that Form 1098-T does not indicate whether you received a taxable scholarship or fellowship. It is the sole responsibility of the student to report and pay taxes on the taxable portion of any scholarship, fellowship or grant that he/she receives. This is not the responsibility of the University. For example, you may have to report taxable income if the total amount of your grants or scholarships received during the year exceeded the amount you paid for qualified education expenses in that year. For more information, please refer to IRS Publication 970.
Section 529 Plans
If you took a distribution from a Section 529 Plan in the preceding year, you will likely receive a Form 1099-Q from the financial institution that administers the plan. This form shows the gross distribution amount, the amount of the distribution that represents earnings on the initial investment, and the amount of your initial investment or cash contribution. We cannot answer any questions related to your Section 529 plan or the taxability of any distributions taken during the year. Please refer to IRS Publication 970- Tax Benefits for Education and IRS 529 Plans: Questions and Answers
Eligibility for Education Tax Credits & Deductions
For a general summary of the education tax credits and deductions that you might be eligible for, please refer to the FAQ’s posted on UConn’s tax and compliance website at
TL11A Tuition and Enrolment Certificate - University Outside Canada
Canadian students, to obtain a TL11A Tuition and Enrolment Certificate, please email and a staff member in the Office of the Bursar will complete Part 1 – Educational institution's certification for you.
Note regarding UConn Health – Tax Year 2019
As of July 2019, the Office of the Bursar on UConn’s Storrs campus assumed billing responsibilities for UConn Health (UCH) students enrolled in its Medical, Dental and Dental Residency programs.
UCH students with qualified tuition and required expenses (“QTRE”) paid between January 2019 and June 2019 will receive a paper copy of the Form 1098-T in the mail for the 2019 tax year.
UCH students with qualified tuition and required expenses paid between July 2019 and December 2019 will be notified via email to download an electronic copy of Form 1098-T for the 2019 tax year through the Student Administration System.
If UCH students have reportable qualified tuition and required expenses for both reporting periods, they may receive two separate 1098-T forms, one from UConn Health and the other from The University of Connecticut. The forms would need to be combined to calculate the student’s total qualified expenses paid for the entire 2019 tax year.