2016-2017 Stamford Tuition and Fees

Full-Time Tuition and Fees for Stamford Students

(Academic Year 2016-2017) CT Resident Non-CT Resident NE Regional
Tuition 11,224 33,016 19,366
General University Fee 112 112 112
Infrastructure Maintenace Fee 468 468 468
Technology Fee 150 150 150
Student Government 80 80 80
Total 12,034 33,826 20,176

*Excludes room and board, parking fees, waivable fees, and fees relating to selected courses or academic major. Applicable course fees are listed in the long description of a course in the course catalog.


No. of Credits General Univ. Fee Infrastructure Fee UGrad Flat Fees 1 INSTATE Tuition Sub-Total OUT-OF-STATE Tuition Sub-Total Regional Tuition Sub-Total
1 56 59 115 469 699 1,377 1,607 808 1,038
2 56 59 115 938 1,168 2,754 2,984 1,616 1,846
3 56 59 115 1,407 1,637 4,131 4,361 2,424 2,654
4 56 59 115 1,876 2,106 5,508 5,738 3,232 3,462
5 56 59 115 2,345 2,575 6,885 7,115 4,040 4,270
6 56 117 115 2,814 3,102 8,262 8,550 4,848 5,136
7 56 117 115 3,283  3,571 9,639 9,927 5,656 5,944
8 56 117 115 3,752 4,040 11,016  11,304 6,464 6,752
9 56 117 115 4,221  4,509 12,393 12,681 7,272 7,560
10 56 117 115 4,690 4,978 13,770 14,058 8,080 8,368
11 56 117 115 5,159 5,447 15,147 15,435 8,888 9,176
12+ 56 234 115 5,612  6,017 16,508 16,913 9,683 10,088

*Per Semester. Excludes room and board, parking fees, waivable fees, and fees relating to selected courses or academic major. Applicable course fees are listed in the long description of a course on the course catalog.

1 Undergrad Flat Fees: Tech Fee $75.00, Activity Fee $40.00

Escrow Breakage Deposit: One-time charge of $50 for the establishment of an escrow account. This deposit, minus any outstanding charges, will be refunded to you upon competition of your degree or withdrawal from the university.