2024-2025 Pharmacy (Pharm. D.) Tuition and Fees

Now available - 2025-2026 Pharmacy (Pharm. D.) Tuition and Fees


Charges added after the standard fee bill due date and/or other miscellaneous fees are due 10 days after being posted to the fee bill.  

Below are direct educational costs as billed directly by the University.  This is different than Cost of Attendance.  The total Cost of Attendance (COA) includes direct educational costs (i.e., tuition, fees, housing, and food) and indirect costs.  Indirect costs include books, course materials, supplies and equipment, transportation, miscellaneous personal expenses, loan fees, and professional licensure or certification, if applicable.  For additional information about the Cost of Attendance at UConn, please visit https://financialaid.uconn.edu/cost/.

Please Note: Mandatory Fees are subject to change with approval from the Board of Trustees.


Pre-pharmacy (first year and sophomore undergraduate students) and Professional Years 1 and 2 (junior and senior undergraduate students) are charged as undergraduate students and are due on 8/1 (fall) & 1/8 (spring).

Students in qualifying New England Regional states receive New England Regional tuition for their Pharmacy major and Pharm D program.

Rates for Professional Years 3 and 4 are listed below and are due 8/1 (fall) & 1/8 (spring):


Full-Time Tuition and Fees for Pharmacy (Pharm. D.) Students


2024-2025 by year

(Pharm. D.)
  Tuition 29,842 58,014 48,480
  General University Fee 1,570 1,570 1,570
  Student Health Services 776 776 776
  Student Recreation Center Fee 500 500 500
  Infrastructure Maintenance Fee 618 618 618
  Activity Fee 192 192 192
  Technology Fee 184 184 184
  Transit Fee 194 194 194
     Total, Commuting Student 33,876 62,048 52,514
  Room Fee (Double) 7,850 7,850 7,850
  Board Fee (A) 6,530 6,530 6,530
     Total, Dormitory Student 48,256 76,428 66,894


2024-2025 by semester

No. of Credits General Univ. Fee Student Health & Wellness Fee Student Rec Center Fee Infrastructure Fee Activity Fee Technology Fee Transit Fee In-state Tuition Sub-total Out-of-state Tuition Sub-total NE Regional Tuition Sub-total
1 393 194 250 155 96 92 97 1,658 2,935 3,223 4,500 2,694 3,971
2 393 194 250 155 96 92 97 3,316 4,593 6,446 7,723 5,388 6,665
3 393 194 250 155 96 92 97 4,974 6,251 9,669 10,946 8,082 9,359
4 393 194 250 155 96 92 97 6,632 7,909 12,892 14,169 10,776 12,053
5 785 388 250 309 96 92 97 8,290 10,307 16,115 18,132 13,470 15,487
6 785 388 250 309 96 92 97 9,948 11,965 19,338 21,355 16,164 18,181
7 785 388 250 309 96 92 97 11,606 13,623 22,561 24,578 18,858 20,875
8 785 388 250 309 96 92 97 13,264 15,281 25,784 27,801 21,552 23,569
9 785 388 250 309 96 92 97 14,921 16,938 29,007 31,024 24,240 26,257
10 785 388 250 309 96 92 97 14,921 16,938 29,007 31,024 24,240 26,257
11 785 388 250 309 96 92 97 14,921 16,938 29,007 31,024 24,240 26,257
12+ 785 388 250 309 96 92 97 14,921 16,938 29,007 31,024 24,240 26,257

Excludes parking fees, and waivable fees.

Beginning Academic Year 2024-2025, students taking four or fewer credits pay 50% of the General University Fee, Student Health and Wellness Fee, and Infrastructure Maintenance Fee rates.