Student Payments

Attention: There are many financial scams that take advantage of college students, especially international students. Please ensure you are only using one of the below University-approved payment methods. Do not give your money to someone else who claims they will provide you a credit card or bank account number to use to pay your fee bill. If you are presented with a payment method not listed here, please immediately contact

How do I make a payment?

The University offers a variety of payment options. The following payment options are available for all student fee bills.

If you are at a regional campus or professional school, please visit the website for your campus for additional payment information.

Please note we do not accept the following:

  1. Cash payment
  2. Payments over the phone
  3. Over payments on student accounts
  4. Payment for future fee bills, terms or academic years

If you have a payment that has been posted to your fee bill and there are future charges listed on your account, the payment will be applied towards those charges. If you are anticipating federal aid to apply towards your fee bill, contact One Stop at or 860-486-1111 regarding the application/acceptance process. Note: federal financial aid cannot apply back to a balance from a prior academic year.


Electronic Payment Options

Enroll in a Payment Plan

Pay by E-Check Online

Payments by electronic check are free of charge by the University. Payments can be made 24x7. Please follow the directions and read the terms and conditions carefully when making an electronic payment.

Authorized Users

Authorized User Guide: How do I login & make a payment?


Student Guide: Pay Bill, Authorizing Users & Managing Payment Plan

Routing & Account Number

Before entering this data, confirm with your financial institution that this data is correct. In some instances, a financial institution may use a different routing number for electronic payment. DO NOT include the check number.



Returned Check Fee Policy

The Office of the Bursar charges students a $30 fee for a check returned by the bank for any reason.  The Office of the Bursar will notify students with multiple returned checks that check payments will no longer be accepted and all future payments must be made in the form of money order, certified or cashier’s check, credit card, or wire transfer.

Fidelity CHET College Savings Plan

Effective Spring 2025!

CHET is now allowing for their accounts to be used for normal eCheck/direct debit payments. To add your CHET account, login to the payment portal, click "Make a Payment", select term and then “Add New eCheck Bank Account” to enter your Fidelity CHET routing and account number associated with your CHET College Savings plan.

Fidelity CHET College Saving Plan Payment Information

Fidelity CHET College Savings Plan Payment Options


For additional assistance with the routing and account number, please contact the provider or login to your account to receive information.

Additional Information:

529 College Savings Plan

Select 529 plans have integrated with Flywire the payment portal to have payments processed electronically. 529 plan owners can log into their 529 plan account and select to pay UConn. You will need to enter the 7-digit Student ID # where it mentions "account number", which is NOT UConn's bank account #. The payment is sent to UConn electronically via Flywire.

Online Home Bill Pay

Payments can be made directly to UConn through personal bank's online bill paying system! Set up UConn the same way you would any other payee. Simply select "UConn Fee Bill" from the bank's list of payees. If the bank does not use a pre-defined list then carefully enter the name "UConn Fee Bill" as the payee. For the account number, carefully enter your student's 7-digit UConn ID number and use the address indicated below:

UConn Fee Bill
233 Glenbrook Road, Unit 4100
Storrs, Connecticut 06269-4100

Online bill pay is convenient, fast, secure, and free at most banks.  Please note, some bill pay payments will drop to a check and will be mailed to the Bursar's Office.  This will delay posting to the fee bill.

Pay by Credit or Debit Card

The university accepts credit and debit card payments via the Internet only. Credit card (or debit card) payments are not taken at the cashier's window or by telephone. Students (via the Student Administration System) and Authorized Users (via the Online Bill and Payment System) can make a payment with VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, JCB, BC Card, DinaCard and Diner's Club. A 2.75% non-refundable convenience fee* will apply to your transaction. This convenience fee is required to offset the expense of offering credit cards as a payment option and is paid directly to the credit card processor.

Log in to StudentAdmin with your ID and password and please navigate to the Bursar Services Tile.  Then click “Pay Bill & Authorize Users” to make a payment online, 24x7.

View Account Summary to find your balance due. Click on Make Payment to complete the easy and simple payment process.

Payroll Deductions (Graduate Students Only)

Graduate Assistants who would like a portion of their stipend applied to their fee bill, may apply for automatic payroll deduction up until the 10th day of classes. Applications are accepted online only by logging into the Student Administration System prior to the start of the semester. In order to avoid late fees, graduate students must remind their respective department to complete the payroll authorization in order to access this system.

For more information, please visit: Graduate Assistant Information | Office of the Bursar (

Flywire Support

The new payment system, Flywire, is able to provide email and phone support to assist you with the following:

  • Account Support (eg. resetting passwords, update email addresses, help for Authorized Users)
  • Troubleshooting Support (eg. technical issues, login assistance)
  • Payment & Payment Support (eg. payment plan options, updating payment methods, how to make a payment

Flywire's team of dedicated payment experience experts provides around-the-clock support to help your students and families navigate the payment process.

FMS Users and Payers can submit a request for support via their online form, or call:

United States: +1 (857) 287-3823

International: +1 (857) 287-3818

International Payments

Pay with Foreign Currency

University of Connecticut is partnered with Flywire offering students the ability to pay their fee bills with foreign currency via an international account. Students and Authorized Users can login to the payment portal to make a wire transfer.  UConn DOES NOT give out banking information and we can only track payments made through Flywire.

For more information regarding wire transfers, please visit Flywire.

Important: UConn does not partner with Easy Transfer.  If paying with an international account, please only utilize Flywire.  Please be aware of scams and ensure you are only using one of the University-approved payment methods. Do not give your money to someone else who claims they will provide you a credit card or bank account number to use to pay your fee bill. If you are presented with a payment method not listed here, please immediately contact

Other Payment Options

Pay in Person

The Storrs Bursar’s Office is located in the Wilbur Cross Building.  During Storrs business hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., we only accept check payment in person. Outside of business hours,  there is a secured Payment Drop Box located directly in front of our Bursar cashier windows where you may leave a check payment.

Payments may also be dropped off in person to our regional campus locations, however, we recommend calling ahead or emailing to ensure assistance:

Hartford Campus – 10 Prospect Street, Hartford, CT 06103, phone 959-200-3832

Waterbury Campus – 99 East Main St, 2nd Floor, Waterbury, CT 06702, phone 203-236-9819

Avery Point Campus – 1084 Shennecosset Rd, Groton, CT 06340 Room 312, Branford House, phone 860-405-9007

 We do not accept cash. As always, we highly encourage an electronic option be used. Please be sure to include your 7-digit ID number on the check.   Enter "WCB" after opening UConn's map to locate us.

Pay by Mail

Please expect delays when mailing payments. As soon as the University receives the payment, it is posted to the account and an email notification will be sent to your UConn email address.

Payment made by mail, including registered and overnight mail, should be sent to:

University of Connecticut
233 Glenbrook Rd, Unit 4100
Storrs, Connecticut 06269-4100
Note: "Unit 4100" must be included in the address to ensure it is received by our office.

Please do not send cash through the mail. Checks or money orders are the only acceptable forms of mailed payments.
Checks should be made payable to “The University of Connecticut” and must indicate the student’s 7-digit UConn ID number to ensure proper posting.

Any returned items will be assessed a $30 returned check fee.

529 College Savings Plan Checks

Payment by Mail

Students with a College Savings/529 Plan should contact the plan provider to find out exactly what it will cover and how the provider will send the payment to the University. 529 Plan payments are not initiated by the University of Connecticut and must be requested by you.
Please expect delays when mailing payments.  University receipt of the check is dependent upon when the check is requested from the 529 plan administrator or the Chet administrator and when the plan administrator sends the University the check.
As soon as the University receives the payment, it is posted to the account and an email notification will be sent to your UConn email address.

Payments should contain the student’s 7-digit Student ID number and be mailed directly to the University.  

Note: "Unit 4100" must be included in the address to ensure it is received by our office.

The University of Connecticut
233 Glenbrook Rd, Unit 4100
Storrs, Connecticut 06269-4100

Private Scholarships and How to Report Them

Please submit your private scholarship letter to the Office of the Bursar using this form.  Do not email your private scholarship letter to the Office of the Bursar.

Complete information on scholarships or funding letters can be found on our Private Scholarship Deferment page.

Private Scholarships reported via the deferment form will be reported to the Office of Student Financial Aid Services (OSFAS). Per federal regulations, your total financial aid, including federal, state, university, and other sources may not exceed your total Cost of Attendance (COA). In cases where your total financial aid exceeds your demonstrated need and or COA, OSFAS may have to adjust or reduce your aid in this order: first loans, then work-study, then grants and scholarships.

Third Party Invoicing

If a student is expecting their tuition and fee bill to be paid directly to UConn by a third party (i.e. employer, sponsor, state agency, etc.) the student must submit a third party financial guarantee letter, on company letterhead, to the Office of the Bursar using the Request Third Party Invoice link below.

Once the financial guarantee has been submitted the Office of the Bursar will, in turn, defer the fee bill based on the value and terms listed on the financial guarantee for that given semester. The Student Billing Office will send all invoices after the close of the add/drop period of the given semester. Any remaining balance due on the account will be the financial responsibility of the student by the published due dates.

Failure to pay any remaining balance after the deferral and/or failure to submit a financial guarantee by the fee bill due date may result in accrual of late fees and a financial hold being placed on the students account. In the event the third party does not submit full or any portion of the payment the balance due will be the sole financial responsibility of the student.

Request Third Party Invoice

For additional questions, please reach out to


For information regarding fellowships, please refer to the Office of Student Financial Aid Services.

Failure to Pay Your Bill on Time

What happens if I do not pay my fee bill on time?

Hold Policy 

Students with outstanding balances of greater than $10.00 on their fee bills will have an “Academic Transcript Restricted” (TRN) hold placed on their accounts. This hold will not allow students to request their official academic transcript from the Office of the Registrar. 

Students with outstanding balances of greater than $300.00 will have a "Bursar hold" (ANT or ALL hold) placed on their accounts. Bursar holds prevent students from accessing services such as class registration, recreation services, library services, parking services, transcripts and other important services. Note, the University does not restrict access to dining services or housing. 

All students are billed by e-mail notification only. Failing to receive an e-mail bill notification does not absolve the student of the responsibility of payment by the due date. Students have 24/7 access to view any term fee bill through accessing their student account. 

Please note the following on how to remove a hold: 

Enrollment holdsare automatically removed every 15 minutes once the student pays their past-due balance. 

Administrative holdsare not automatically removed by the system. Students who pay their past-due balance must contact the Office of the Bursar to have an administrative hold removed manually. If payment is made by personal check or e-check, the Office of the Bursar must wait 7 business days to ensure the check has cleared before lifting an administrative hold. The hold can be released sooner if the student provides additional backup showing that the check has cleared. 

Late Fee Policy 

A late payment fee of $150 is payable by all students whose tuition and fees are not paid in full on the published fee bill due date. If after Day 10 of the semester, your bill remains unpaid you will be assessed a second $150 late fee. Checks returned by the bank for any reason are considered a late payment. Additionally, students will have services such as class registration denied if all fees have not been paid by the due date. 

**Please note: If you enroll in courses after the established due date- payments are due within 10 calendar days. 

Returned Check Policy 

Checks returned by the bank for any reason will be removed from the account and late fees will apply. There is a $30 charge for any returned check.