2024-2025 Non-Degree Tuition and Fees

Now available - 2025-2026 Non-Degree Tuition and Fees


Below are direct educational costs as billed directly by the University.  This is different than Cost of Attendance.  The total Cost of Attendance (COA) includes direct educational costs (i.e., tuition, fees, housing, and food) and indirect costs.  Indirect costs include books, course materials, supplies and equipment, transportation, miscellaneous personal expenses, loan fees, and professional licensure or certification, if applicable.  For additional information about the Cost of Attendance at UConn, please visit https://financialaid.uconn.edu/cost/.

Charges added after the standard fee bill due date and/or other miscellaneous fees are due 10 days after being posted to the fee bill.  

Mandatory Fees are subject to change with approval from the Board of Trustees.

Tuition, Fees, and Due Dates

2024-2025 Non-Degree Undergraduate Course Tuition and Fees

Non-Degree Undergraduate Fee Bill Due Dates: Fall 8/1 and Spring 1/8

No. of Credits General Univ. Fee Student Health & Wellness Fee Infrastructure Fee Technology Fee Transit Fee Course fee Sub-total
1 62 40 155 92 27 709 1,085
2 62 40 155 92 27 1,418 1,794
3 62 40 155 92 27 2,127 2,503
4 62 40 155 92 27 2,836 3,212
5 62 40 309 92 27 3,545 4,075
6 62 40 309 92 27 4,254 4,784
7 62 40 309 92 27 4,963 5,493
8 62 40 309 92 27 5,672 6,202
9 62 40 309 92 27 6,381 6,911
10 62 40 309 92 27 7,090 7,620
11 62 40 309 92 27 7,799 8,329
12+ 62 40 309 92 27 8,505 9,035

Please Note: Per Semester. Excludes parking fees.


Beginning Academic Year 2024-2025, students taking four or fewer credits pay 50% of the Infrastructure Maintenance Fee rate.

A $65 non-refundable cancelation fee will be charged for non-degree students who withdraw or cancel prior to the start date of the semester.

Please visit our Refund Policy for further information.

A $25.00 per credit charge will be issued for all classes with an "online" instruction modality.

2024-2025 Non-Degree Graduate Course Tuition and Fees

Non-Degree Graduate Fee Bill Due Dates: Due Friday before the semester starts: 8/23/24 (Fall 2024) and 1/17/25 (Spring 2025)

No. of Credits General Univ. Fee Student Health & Wellness  Fee* Infrastructure Fee Technology Fee Transit Fee Course Fee Sub-total
1 62 40 155 92 32 1,084 1,465
2 62 40 155 92 32 2,168 2,549
3 62 40 155 92 32 3,252 3,633
4 62 40 155 92 32 4,336 4,717
5 62 40 309 92 32 5,420 5,955
6 62 40 309 92 32 6,504 7,039
7 62 40 309 92 32 7,588 8,123
8 62 40 309 92 32 8,672 9,207
9+ 62 40 309 92 32 9,756 10,291

Please Note: Per Semester. Excludes parking fees.

Beginning Academic Year 2024-2025, students taking four or fewer credits pay 50% of the Infrastructure Maintenance Fee rate.


A $65 non-refundable cancelation fee will be charged for non-degree students who withdraw or cancel prior to the start date of the semester.

Please visit our Refund Policy for further information.

*Student Health & Wellness Fee - Waived for Regional Non-Degree students.

A $25.00 per credit charge will be issued for all classes with an "online" instruction modality.

Failure to Pay Your Bill on Time

Hold Policy

Students with outstanding balances of greater than $10.00 on their fee bills will have an “Academic Transcript Restricted” (TRN) hold placed on their accounts. This hold will not allow students to request their official academic transcripts from the Office of the Registrar.

Students with outstanding balances of greater than $300.00 on their fee bills will have a "Bursar hold" (ANT or ALL admin hold) placed on their accounts. This hold prevents students from accessing services such as class registration, recreation services, library services, parking services, transcripts and other important services. Note, the University does not restrict access to dining services or housing.

All students are billed by e-mail notification only. Failing to receive an e-mail bill notification does not absolve the student of the responsibility of payment by the due date. Students have 24/7 access to view any term fee bill through accessing their student account.

Late Fee Policy

A late payment fee of $150 is payable by all students whose tuition and fees are not paid in full on the published fee bill due date. If after Day 10 of the semester, your bill remains unpaid you will be assessed a second $150 late fee. Checks returned by the bank for any reason are considered a late payment. Additionally, students will have services such as class registration denied if all fees have not been paid by the due date.

**Please note: If you enroll in courses after the established due date- payments are due within 10 calendar days.

Additional Information

Cancellation and Withdrawal Information

Previous Years Non-Degree Tuition and Fees