2024-2025 Undergraduate Tuition and Fees

Undergraduate Fee Bill Due Dates: Fall 8/1 and Spring 1/8

Charges added after the standard fee bill due date and/or other miscellaneous fees are due 10 days after being posted to the fee bill.  

Below are direct educational costs as billed directly by the University.  This is different than Cost of Attendance.  The total Cost of Attendance (COA) includes direct educational costs (i.e., tuition, fees, housing, and food) and indirect costs.  Indirect costs include books, course materials, supplies and equipment, transportation, miscellaneous personal expenses, loan fees, and professional licensure or certification, if applicable.  For additional information about the Cost of Attendance at UConn, please visit https://financialaid.uconn.edu/cost/.

2024-2025 Tuition and Fees Estimator Tool (Undergraduates)


Tuition and Fees by Campus


Breakdown by semester:

No. of

Health &
1 393 194 250 155 96 92 97 709 1,986 1,654 2,931 1,085 2,362
2 393 194 250 155 96 92 97 1,418 2,695 3,308 4,585 2,170 3,447
3 393 194 250 155 96 92 97 2,127 3,404 4,962 6,239 3,255 4,532
4 393 194 250 155 96 92 97 2,836 4,113 6,616 7,893 4,340 5,617
5 785 388 250 309 96 92 97 3,545 5,562 8,270 10,287 5,425 7,442
6 785 388 250 309 96 92 97 4,254 6,271 9,924 11,941 6,510 8,527
7 785 388 250 309 96 92 97 4,963 6,980 11,578 13,595 7,595 9,612
8 785 388 250 309 96 92 97 5,672 7,689 13,232 15,249 8,680 10,697
9 785 388 250 309 96 92 97 6,381 8,398 14,886 16,903 9,765 11,782
10 785 388 250 309 96 92 97 7,090 9,107 16,540 18,557 10,850 12,867
11 785 388 250 309 96 92 97 7,799 9,816 18,194 20,211 11,935 13,952
12+ 785 388 250 309 96 92 97 285* 8,505 10,807 19,839 22,141 13,014 15,316

Subtotals - assumes full-time enrollment (12+ credits):

In-state Out-of-state NE Regional
Per semester 10,807 22,141 15,316
Academic Year 2024-2025 21,614 44,282 30,632


Please Note: Excludes room and board, parking fees, and waivable fees except Husky Book Bundle.

Beginning Academic Year 2024-2025, students taking four or fewer credits pay 50% of the General University Fee, Student Health and Wellness Fee, and Infrastructure Maintenance Fee rates.

*Waivable fee applicable only to full-time undergraduate students (12+ credits)

Avery Point

Please Note: Excludes room and board, parking fees, and waivable fees except Husky Book Bundle. 

Mandatory Fees are subject to change with approval from the Board of Trustees.


Full-Time Tuition and Fees for Avery Point Students

AVERY POINT 2024-2025, entire academic year

 CT Resident   Non-CT Resident   NE Regional 
Tuition 17,010 39,678 26,028
General University Fee 124 124 124
Student Health & Wellness Fee 80 80 80
Infrastructure Maintenance Fee 618 618 618
Activity Fee 70 70 70
Transit Fee 54 54 54
Technology Fee 184 184 184
Husky Book Bundle Fee* 570 570 570
Total 18,710 41,378 27,728

*Waivable fee applicable only to full-time undergraduate students (12+ credits).


AVERY POINT 2024-2025 by semester

No. of Credits
General Univ. Fee Student Health & Wellness Fee Infrastructure Fee Activity Fee Technology Fee Transit Fee Husky Book Bundle Fee* In-state Tuition Sub-total Out-of-state Tuition Sub-total NE Regional Tuition Sub-total
1 62 40 155 35 92 27 709 1,120 1,654 2,065 1,085 1,496
2 62 40 155 35 92 27 1,418 1,829 3,308 3,719 2,170 2,581
3 62 40 155 35 92 27 2,127 2,538 4,962 5,373 3,255 3,666
4 62 40 155 35 92 27 2,836 3,247 6,616 7,027 4,340 4,751
5 62 40 309 35 92 27 3,545 4,110 8,270 8,835 5,425 5,990
6 62 40 309 35 92 27 4,254 4,819 9,924 10,489 6,510 7,075
7 62 40 309 35 92 27 4,963 5,528 11,578 12,143 7,595 8,160
8 62 40 309 35 92 27 5,672 6,237 13,232 13,797 8,680 9,245
9 62 40 309 35 92 27 6,381 6,946 14,886 15,451 9,765 10,330
10 62 40 309 35 92 27 7,090 7,655 16,540 17,105 10,850 11,415
11 62 40 309 35 92 27 7,799 8,364 18,194 18,759 11,935 12,500
12+ 62 40 309 35 92 27 285 8,505 9,355 19,839 20,689 13,014 13,864

*Waivable fee applicable only to full-time undergraduate students (12+ credits).

Beginning Academic Year 2024-2025, students taking four or fewer credits pay 50% of the Infrastructure Maintenance Fee rate.


Please Note: Per Semester. Excludes room and board, parking fees, and waivable fees except Husky Book Bundle.

Mandatory Fees are subject to change with approval from the Board of Trustees.


Full-Time Tuition and Fees for Hartford Students

HARTFORD 2024-2025, entire academic year

 CT Resident   Non-CT Resident   NE Regional 
Tuition 17,010 39,678 26,028
General University Fee 124 124 124
Student Health & Wellness Fee 80 80 80
Infrastructure Maintenance Fee 618 618 618
Activity Fee 60 60 60
Transit Fee 54 54 54
Technology Fee 184 184 184
Husky Book Bundle Fee* 570 570 570
Total 18,700 41,368 27,718

*Waivable fee applicable only to full-time undergraduate students (12+ credits)


HARTFORD 2024-2025 by semester

No. of Credits General Univ. Fee Student Health & Wellness Fee Infrastructure Fee Activity Fee Technology Fee Transit Fee Husky Book Bundle Fee* In-state Tuition Sub-total Out-of-state Tuition Sub-total NE Regional Tuition Sub-total
1 62 40 155 30 92 27 709 1,115 1,654 2,060 1,085 1,491
2 62 40 155 30 92 27 1,418 1,824 3,308 3,714 2,170 2,576
3 62 40 155 30 92 27 2,127 2,533 4,962 5,368 3,255 3,661
4 62 40 155 30 92 27 2,836 3,242 6,616 7,022 4,340 4,746
5 62 40 309 30 92 27 3,545 4,105 8,270 8,830 5,425 5,985
6 62 40 309 30 92 27 4,254 4,814 9,924 10,484 6,510 7,070
7 62 40 309 30 92 27 4,963 5,523 11,578 12,138 7,595 8,155
8 62 40 309 30 92 27 5,672 6,232 13,232 13,792 8,680 9,240
9 62 40 309 30 92 27 6,381 6,941 14,886 15,446 9,765 10,325
10 62 40 309 30 92 27 7,090 7,650 16,540 17,100 10,850 11,410
11 62 40 309 30 92 27 7,799 8,359 18,194 18,754 11,935 12,495
12+ 62 40 309 30 92 27 285 8,505 9,350 19,839 20,684 13,014 13,859

*Waivable fee applicable only to full-time undergraduate students (12+ credits).

Beginning Academic Year 2024-2025, students taking four or fewer credits pay 50% of the Infrastructure Maintenance Fee rate.


Please Note: Per Semester. Excludes room and board, parking fees, and waivable fees except Husky Book Bundle.

Mandatory Fees are subject to change with approval from the Board of Trustees.


Full-Time Tuition and Fees for Stamford Students

STAMFORD 2024-2025, entire academic year

 CT Resident   Non-CT Resident   NE Regional 
Tuition 17,010 39,678 26,028
General University Fee 124 124 124
Student Health & Wellness Fee 80 80 80
Infrastructure Maintenance Fee 618 618 618
Activity Fee 80 80 80
Transit Fee 54 54 54
Technology Fee 184 184 184
Husky Book Bundle Fee* 570 570 570
Total 18,720 41,388 27,738

*Waivable fee applicable only to full-time undergraduate students (12+ credits).


STAMFORD 2024-2025 by semester

No. of Credits General Univ. Fee Student Health & Wellness Fee Infrastructure Fee Activity Fee Technology Fee Transit Fee Husky Book Bundle Fee* In-state Tuition Sub-total Out-of-state Tuition Sub-total NE Regional Tuition Sub-total
1 62 40 155 40 92 27 709 1,125 1,654 2,070 1,085 1,501
2 62 40 155 40 92 27 1,418 1,834 3,308 3,724 2,170 2,586
3 62 40 155 40 92 27 2,127 2,543 4,962 5,378 3,255 3,671
4 62 40 155 40 92 27 2,836 3,252 6,616 7,032 4,340 4,756
5 62 40 309 40 92 27 3,545 4,115 8,270 8,840 5,425 5,995
6 62 40 309 40 92 27 4,254 4,824 9,924 10,494 6,510 7,080
7 62 40 309 40 92 27 4,963 5,533 11,578 12,148 7,595 8,165
8 62 40 309 40 92 27 5,672 6,242 13,232 13,802 8,680 9,250
9 62 40 309 40 92 27 6,381 6,951 14,886 15,456 9,765 10,335
10 62 40 309 40 92 27 7,090 7,660 16,540 17,110 10,850 11,420
11 62 40 309 40 92 27 7,799 8,369 18,194 18,764 11,935 12,505
12+ 62 40 309 40 92 27 285 8,505 9,360 19,839 20,694 13,014 13,869

*Waivable fee applicable only to full-time undergraduate students (12+ credits).

Beginning Academic Year 2024-2025, students taking four or fewer credits pay 50% of the Infrastructure Maintenance Fee rate.


Please Note: Per Semester. Excludes room and board, parking fees, and waivable fees except Husky Book Bundle.

Mandatory Fees are subject to change with approval from the Board of Trustees.


Full-Time Tuition and Fees for Waterbury Students

WATERBURY 2024-2025, entire academic year

     CT Resident     Non-CT Resident     NE Regional  
 Tuition  17,010 39,678 26,028
 General University Fee  124 124 124
 Student Health & Wellness Fee 80 80 80
 Infrastructure Maintenance Fee  618 618 618
 Activity Fee  70 70 70
 Transit Fee 54 54 54
 Technology Fee  184 184 184
 Husky Book Bundle Fee* 570 570 570
 Total  18,710 41,378 27,728

*Waivable fee applicable only to full-time undergraduate students (12+ credits).


WATERBURY 2024-2025 by semester

No. of Credits General Univ. Fee Student Health & Wellness Fee Infrastructure Fee Activity Fee Technology Fee Transit Fee Husky Book Bundle Fee* In-state Tuition Sub-total Out-of-state Tuition Sub-total NE Regional Tuition Sub-total
1 62 40 155 35 92 27 709 1,120 1,654 2,065 1,085 1,496
2 62 40 155 35 92 27 1,418 1,829 3,308 3,719 2,170 2,581
3 62 40 155 35 92 27 2,127 2,538 4,962 5,373 3,255 3,666
4 62 40 155 35 92 27 2,836 3,247 6,616 7,027 4,340 4,751
5 62 40 309 35 92 27 3,545 4,110 8,270 8,835 5,425 5,990
6 62 40 309 35 92 27 4,254 4,819 9,924 10,489 6,510 7,075
7 62 40 309 35 92 27 4,963 5,528 11,578 12,143 7,595 8,160
8 62 40 309 35 92 27 5,672 6,237 13,232 13,797 8,680 9,245
9 62 40 309 35 92 27 6,381 6,946 14,886 15,451 9,765 10,330
10 62 40 309 35 92 27 7,090 7,655 16,540 17,105 10,850 11,415
11 62 40 309 35 92 27 7,799 8,364 18,194 18,759 11,935 12,500
12+ 62 40 309 35 92 27 285 8,505 9,355 19,839 20,689 13,014 13,864

*Waivable fee applicable only to full-time undergraduate students (12+ credits).

Beginning Academic Year 2024-2025, students taking four or fewer credits pay 50% of the Infrastructure Maintenance Fee rate.

Additional information

New England Regional Reduced Tuition Rate

** The New England Regional reduced tuition rate applies only for New England resident students enrolled in specific majors. If a student changes majors to a non-qualifying program, the out-of-state tuition rate will be charged and financial aid may be revised.  For more information on the program, including a link to a list of qualifying majors, please visit our New England Regional Student Program website.

Summer/ Winter Tuition & Fees

Fee Facts

Mandatory Fees are subject to change with approval from the Board of Trustees. A description of fees can be found on our website.

Activity Fee: Charged to all undergraduates regardless of modality or residency, and supports student programs including The Daily Campus ($10), Undergraduate Student Government ($45), Nutmeg Publishing Yearbook ($4), WHUS Radio ($9), UConn Student Television ($5), Student Union Board of Governors ($23)

Health Insurance Fee:  All full-time students are required to be covered by health insurance.  Every Fall semester, full-time students will be automatically billed and enrolled into the Student Health Insurance Plan.  If the student is already covered by insurance, they can waive the health insurance in their Student Admin account.  The waiver must be submitted every year by September 15th, though it is recommended to submit the waiver prior to the fee bill due date when possible.  For more information regarding the Student Health Insurance Plan, please visit the Student Health and Wellness website.

Husky Book Bundle Fee: Through a partnership with the UConn Bookstore, full-time undergraduate students will be able to rent all required course materials for a flat fee of $285.  This is an opt-out program, and the charge will be automatically included on students’ semester tuition fee bill.  The waiver to opt-out will open 30 days prior to the start of the semester and remain open through the 10th day of classes.  Students are encouraged to delay opting-out until they receive all course syllabi and required materials to then determine if the program is financially beneficial.  For more information, please visit:  https://bookbundle.program.uconn.edu/.

Failure to Pay Your Bill on Time

Hold Policy 

Students with outstanding balances of greater than $10.00 on their fee bills will have an “Academic Transcript Restricted” (TRN) hold placed on their accounts. This hold will not allow students to request their official academic transcript from the Office of the Registrar. 

Students with outstanding balances of greater than $300.00 will have a "Bursar hold" (ANT or ALL hold) placed on their accounts. Bursar holds prevent students from accessing services such as class registration, recreation services, library services, parking services, transcripts and other important services. Note, the University does not restrict access to dining services or housing. 

All students are billed by e-mail notification only. Failing to receive an e-mail bill notification does not absolve the student of the responsibility of payment by the due date. Students have 24/7 access to view any term fee bill through accessing their student account. 

Please note the following on how to remove a hold: 

Enrollment holdsare automatically removed every 15 minutes once the student pays their past-due balance. 

Administrative holdsare not automatically removed by the system. Students who pay their past-due balance must contact the Office of the Bursar to have an administrative hold removed manually. If payment is made by personal check or e-check, the Office of the Bursar must wait 7 business days to ensure the check has cleared before lifting an administrative hold. The hold can be released sooner if the student provides additional backup showing that the check has cleared. 

Late Fee Policy 

A late payment fee of $150 is payable by all students whose tuition and fees are not paid in full on the published fee bill due date. If after Day 10 of the semester, your bill remains unpaid you will be assessed a second $150 late fee. Checks returned by the bank for any reason are considered a late payment. Additionally, students will have services such as class registration denied if all fees have not been paid by the due date. 

**Please note: Charges added after the standard fee bill due date and/or other miscellaneous fees are due 10 days after being posted to the fee bill and are subject to late fees if not paid in full by the published due date.

Returned Check Policy 

Checks returned by the bank for any reason will be removed from the account and late fees will apply. There is a $30 charge for any returned check.